Reliable. Assets. Guaranteed.

Take part in building the decentralized future with our seasoned team of crypto-security experts. With dozens of satisfied clients since 2019, we've established a solid practice of developing robust validator nodes and securing your existing infrastructure.

We offer high rewards, taking only commission, with no other costs involved. Our staff offers practical solutions and goes the extra mile by offering top-notch failover infrastructure, 24/7 monitoring and colocation services.

Contact us and let your assets work for you!

Reliable. Assets. Guaranteed.
Supported mainnets
  • Solana

    10% fee. 7KNoQc4inYf4gdhrwAX3FM3MzMWhzkbxBziPCQ4r7Po4

  • The Graph

    Mainnet indexer address: 0xe7738D5679b54781A5482bAA48DADfDe624ED7D5